At our Board meeting on Monday, January 9th, Bob Nice, a dedicated volunteer at FISH, was voted in as the newset member of our Board. Bob is one our top volunteers, putting in more than 1,000 hours a year in volunteer hours. Bob helps with Philabundance deliveries, building issues, and just about everything else. He is currently working on helping FISH update all of its databases and database procedures, while improving our computer systems. He will be a great addition to our board!
He is replacing Ted von Mechow, who will now be President Emeritus and a non-voting Board Member Emeritus, in honor of his 45 faithful years of service to Pennridge FISH.
Kim Maychuk, a local business owner and FISH secretary for more than 20 years, was elected to another three year term.
We are deeply grateful for the dedicated service of all our Board members!