800 West Chestnut St.. - PO Box 9
Perkasie, PA 18944
Phone: 215-257-7616 - [email protected]
Are you bored? Need some community service hours for college applications? Just want to give back to your community?
Pennridge FISH can use your help!
Teens ages 13-18 welcome to apply for volunteer service hours!
Who May Volunteer:
Youth ages 13-18, requiring the completion of court ordered, scouting, church or school club community service hours, are welcome to apply to FISH. Teens who would just enjoy helping out for no reason at all are also welcome!
If you would like to volunteer, please drop by FISH and fill out an application or choose the appropriate link below to print and complete an application.
We prefer to meet youth volunteers prior to volunteering at FISH.
Please call FISH at 215-257-7616 if you have any questions or concerns.
Sign Up Genius:
In order to avoid the possibility of too many youth dropping in to volunteer at any given time,
we will now be using the Sign Up Genius website to assist us with managing the number of youth volunteering for any given shift.
When youth apply at FISH, they will be required to supply an email address. Invites with the calendar of available dates and time slots will be emailed to the youth and they will be required to sign up ahead of time for volunteer hours. Currently, we can accept no more than three youth at any given time during regular client hours, unless it is otherwise noted in the SignUpGenius.
Time slots are first come, first served, so sign up early!
Background Checks:
Eighteen-year-olds are required to submit current child abuse and criminal background clearances. They are treated as adults and must comply with PA State Law concerning child abuse/criminal checks.
(Youth age 17 or younger do NOT need background clearances.)
Court-ordered Community Service:
Court-ordered community service youth will be required to provide contact numbers for their probation officer and parents/guardians. We also require disclosure of offense in order to protect our other volunteers. No offense of a violent or sexual nature will be accepted.
***Court-ordered community service youth must bring a parent, guardian or probation officer along when they apply.***